Health and Safety Charter

Our Vision

All our staff, visitors and contractors working for us will be safe at MLog Panel & Paint (Pty) Ltd premises and wherever they travel on our business.

  • Continually look for improvements with the standards of service and products provided to clients.
  • Provide efficiencies to the business so that we are both competitive and profitable.
  • Provide staff with the training, resources and environment to ensure that they perform to their best and can contribute to the overall improvements of all aspects of our business.
  • Provide a management framework that will enable us to monitor and control our performance with regards to meeting the expectations of our clients.
  • Comply with all relevant laws and regulations relating to the industry.

Our Values

The Directors and management of MLog Panel & Paint are committed to a duty of care and will provide leadership to achieve the highest standards of health and safety management. We will exercise due diligence in all health and safety matters and will focus on continuous improvement to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, contractors and visitors. We believe the safety and wellbeing of employees is fundamental to the successful performance of the business.

To this end, accountability for health and safety will be clearly defined for all who work within our business and we will take all reasonable practical steps in dealing with health and safety matters.

Board of Directors

In demonstrating our commitment, the Board of Directors will:

  • Ensure a high-level health and safety policy and strategy are in place, and that these are reviewed at least annually, in consultation with the management team.
  • Hold the management accountable for ensuring that a fit for purpose health and safety management system is developed and maintained.
  • Establish health and safety targets to enable the Directors to monitor organizational health and safety performance.
  • Nominate Director Marlon Reddy as Health and Safety Leader, and Prenolin Reddy first responder for any serious incident or accident.
  • Ensure sufficient resources are available to allow for continuous improvement in health and safety.
  • Ensure a comprehensive internal review of the health and safety system is undertaken annually, with revisions and actions recorded.
  • Seek external independent expert advice as required, and have a full external review of health and safety management systems carried out every 3 years.


In demonstrating our commitment, management will:

  • Be accountable for the safety and welfare of their employees, contractors and visitors, and demonstrate leadership in ensuring the safe performance of their operations.
  • Ensure they have an understanding of health and safety as it relates to their position.
  • Provide a comprehensive report on health and safety matters regularly to the Directors to keep them informed of any new risks or hazards that might impact on the business.
  • Provide effective methods for identifying risks and hazards arising from work activities and ensure adequate controls are in place.
  • Provide supervision and training to enable employees to undertake their work activities safely at all times.
  • Ensure adequate resources have been allocated to health and safety.
  • Involve employees in health and safety decisions through consultation and co-operation with employee representatives.
  • Ensure accurate and timely reporting and recording of all accidents or health and safety incidents, including investigation and implementation of corrective actions.
  • Provide and maintain suitable protective equipment.
  • Comply with relevant legislation, regulations, code of practice and safe operating procedures.
  • Provide and actively support a rehabilitation plan to ensure a safe, timely and sustainable ‘staying at work’ or ‘return to work’ program, where required.


All employees are required to observe safe work practices and rules relating to their work at all times, to ensure their own safety and that of others. In particular, employees will:

  • Take reasonable care for their own health and safety.
  • Take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons.
  • Comply with, as far as they are reasonably able, any reasonable instruction that is given to allow MLog Panel & Paint to comply with its legal obligations.
  • Co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure relating to health and safety.
  • Use plant, equipment, vehicles and materials safely and in the manner intended.
  • Comply with all legislation, training, information and any instructions given by their employer.
  • Communicate health and safety issues or concerns directly with their employer.
  • Report and control all hazards, accidents or health and safety incidents in the workplace immediately.
  • Report any pain or discomfort as soon as possible.
  • Take an active role in workplace health and safety, including participating at meetings, training and other health and safety related activities when offered.
  • Correctly use and store any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and safety devices provided by the employer.
  • Comply & Adhere to all COVID 19 Protocols  for the safety and well being of all.